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Do affirmations help with financial goals?

These question and answer posts are featured in my weekly newsletter, First Things First. You can get those to your inbox before the rest of the world by signing up here.

Q: Q: Is it really possible to reach my financial goal this month by repeating my affirmations out loud every day? I struggle with being confident about my ability to make a decision. So, I want to reach a financial goal this month, but for some reason there’s a little voice in my head saying I’m not worth it and that I’m crazy to think I deserve this amount of money by working hard.

A: The simple answer to your question is YES. You absolutely can reach your financial goals, and affirmations are an important reminder of your goals (and your worth). It’s no secret that most people that don’t achieve their goals, lack the faith they need, not talent or ability. And when I say faith, I’m not just talking about religious faith, but the belief in self that you can actually achieve your goal. It seems like you done some work to make your financial goal SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound). Is your goal actually realistic for your time frame? Or are you convincing yourself that it’s not possible for some other reason? Most self-doubt is rooted in fear, so what are you afraid of? Is it the sacrifice it takes to actually put in the hard work to reach your goal? Is it the failure that you might not reach your goals? Would you feel bad if you put in everything you had into your goal and still didn’t reach it? Maybe, but the true achiever knows that you push through disappointment and failure, as a part of success. And affirmations help because they override the pervasive negative self-talk, even when you don’t feel like it.

If you need some support in getting clear on key areas in your life, such as finances, you can download my WTF Journal. This "brain dump" journal will help you get clear on 4 key areas of your life: faith, finances, family, and focus. You just have to answer 3 simple questions: Where are you now? Where do you want to be? How do you plan to get there?


If you want to submit your question about faith, goals, motivation, support or whatever related to living above your fear, you can send your questions to

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