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You Are the Answer to Someone's Prayer

For some reason, there has been a funk around me all week. I still don't know if I can really put it into words, but in pushing through, I was granted a reminder that God is listening. That purpose is calling, and your people are waiting.

And I know this message isn't just for me.

As I was wrapping up my last client call for the week, my client asked if she could ask me one more question. I happily obliged thinking it was another logistic question about our work together.

Her words: "Can we pray together?"


She didn't know it, but it was exactly the reminder that I needed. There are people literally praying for you to be the answer to their prayer!

Needless to say, we ended the call in tears (well I did, no shame).

Can you imagine being the answer to someone's prayer?

Can you imagine being the breakthrough they need?

Can you imagine being the solution to their challenge?

Can you imagine being the catalyst to their healing?

Can you imagine being the only cheerleader they have in their corner?

Well, you don't have to imagine. You can stand in the power of knowing that however you are called to serve, there are literally people praying for that service RIGHT NOW!

It's time to stop hiding behind your gifts, talents and service, and be the answer to the prayer.


Stephanie Womack is an author and speaker that specializes in PR strategies for hearts, minds and souls, helping women take their personal responsibility to the next level. Her latest book, Standing on Sinking Sand, is a personal development book with over 25 practical life lessons to make the rest of your time the best, and achieve any goal. You can download the Rebrand Your Fear Workbook, as a FREE gift from Stephanie to learn her 4- step process to shift your mindset and start building your personal brand. Get Stephanie's weekly newsletter, First Things First, in your inbox for an exclusive first look at the blog and additional resources.

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