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Start before you're ready

As an introvert, I tend to be an overthinker; trying to think through all the logical steps to make something perfect. I notice that we complicate really simple decisions, just because we don’t feel ready to face what we think the decision means.

As I was looking for resources to stop overthinking, the acronym K.I.S.S. came to mind. I just changed one word: Keep It Simple and Start. The thread running through all these resources was overly simple: Start, even if you don’t feel ready.

Because if you remember, feelings are just feelings. They aren’t always facts.

All of the things that make you feel like you’re not ready gives you an opportunity to exercise your superpower, which is your ability to choose. I found an interview with J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, where she said “ greatest fear had been realized, and I was still alive…rock bottom became a solid foundation…”

There are a lot of things that happen in our lives that make us feel less than, unworthy or unsure but that doesn’t negate that we have the responsibility to do something about it. It may not be the perfect choice, but it’s our greatest power. I know for me personally, some of my decisions to stay stuck are rooted in my inability to choose forgiveness.

I have been unwilling to forgive others for making me feel like I couldn’t do things, and ultimately not forgiving myself for allowing other’s thoughts and feelings to control me.I know it's hard to embrace the feelings of defeat and failure as lessons. It takes real work to change and you shouldn’t be afraid to acknowledge that. You also shouldn't be afraid to choose you.

Choosing yourself isn’t easy when your mindset is focused on the missing pieces, all the hurt or imbalance and clouded by self-doubt. This week, I'm challenging myself to start forgiving and choosing happiness on purpose. Are you up for that challenge?


Stephanie Womack is an author and speaker that specializes in PR strategies for hearts, minds and souls, helping women take their personal responsibility to the next level. Her latest book, Standing on Sinking Sand, is a personal development book with over 25 practical life lessons to make the rest of your time the best, and achieve any goal. You can download the Rebrand Your Fear Workbook, as a FREE gift from Stephanie to learn her 4- step process to shift your mindset and start building your personal brand. Get Stephanie's weekly newsletter, First Things First, in your inbox for an exclusive first look at the blog and additional resources.

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